Group and family giving opportunities make for great holiday traditions. Find out how Adopt-a-Family eases the burden on parents every year.

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The Jeromes have been through loss, physical challenges, medical diagnoses and more with their seven kids. They are grateful to have Any Baby Can by their side.

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The Joy of Family-to-Family Giving Category: News December 19, 2019 Family Giving Opportunity Gifts certainly are not the only part of the holiday season. The holidays are about family, togetherness, sharing gratitude and reflecting on faith and tradition. But for families who may be feeling overwhelmed or having to make decisions about paying medical bills,…

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Season for Caring: Meet the Sherwoods Category: Client Story December 13, 2017 If you follow us on social media, you’ve probably seen us post about Season for Caring these past few weeks. So, what exactly is Season for Caring, you ask? The Season for Caring campaign is an effort by the Austin American-Statesman’s Editorial and…

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Season for Caring: Meet the Martinez De La Paz family Category: Client Story February 14, 2017 Each year, the Austin American-Statesman launches Season for Caring, a campaign highlighting stories of families served by local nonprofit organizations. The goal is to invite readers to participate in helping wishes come true, especially around the holidays, for each…

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