boy outside coloring with chalk, looking up at camera

Our Vision: Investing in Child Development Category: News Date of Publication May 7, 2020 Children are our future. Not only as parents, but as a community. We know that a child’s brain is malleable and a focus on child development has tremendous individual and societal effects. Because parental care and stress has lasting impact on…

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Our Vision: Prioritizing Healthy Families Category: News January 10, 2020 Everyone has a different definition of what it means to “be healthy.” That could mean exercising or eating healthy foods; it could mean taking vitamins or going to annual well checks. In broad terms, being “healthy” means making choices that improve your overall health. Choosing…

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Our Vision: Empowering Parents Category: News November 14, 2019 Over the last year, we engaged in a strategic planning process to clarify our commitment to the community and our role in helping clients achieve family well-being. We honed in on a vision of the community that we aspire to create: A community that empowers parents,…

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New Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities Category: News September 4, 2019 This month marks the end of our 40th anniversary celebrations and the start of our new fiscal year. Over the last several months, Any Baby Can has been engaged in a strategic planning process led by Mission Capital. We gathered data, conducted a client…

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A Village for Simon Category: Client Story May 13, 2019 Three-year-old Simon is magic. He recites books by heart and takes daily runs through the trails near his house. He can shoot baskets in a kiddie basketball hoop… while sitting on the floor. He makes people smile without even trying. He is lively and chatty,…

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Any Baby Can Goes to Europe! Category: News May 24, 2018 Any Baby Can Chief Programs Officer, Alexandra Alfau, took a short break from overseeing our programs to share her knowledge on early childhood intervention (ECI) with the Republic of Georgia! Georgia, a small country that borders Turkey Russia and Armenia, was a part of…

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Removing the Stigma of Delays Category: Parenting Tips June 29, 2016 Every child is unique and develops at his or her own pace, in his or her own way. Even so, it can be hard to watch other kids reach milestones before your own son or daughter. Parents, it’s important to remember that there is…

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Why Home Visitation Works Category: Parenting Tips June 13, 2016 There are many organizations that offer assistance to children with developmental delays, special healthcare needs and cancer, so what makes Any Baby Can special? In addition to offering support groups, parenting classes and resources for first-time mothers, most of our programs work with families in their…

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