What connects our work across all programs is that we develop our clients’ self-sufficiency and self- efficacy, and we’re dedicated to delivering quality services to meet that goal.

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Zoe as a baby and now

When Zoe was born prematurely and with damage to areas of the brain, she faced an uphill battle. With the support of early intervention, Zoe has grown and thrived. Now, 20 years later, she’s back at Any Baby Can!

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Family distanced from parent educator wearing mask

During the Coronavirus pandemic, our staff, volunteers, supporters and client families have adapted, learned new skills and taken on new roles. While programs may be delivered a little bit differently, the value and need for support services is crucial.

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Mom and baby on a video call with physical therapist

When lockdown began, we weren’t quite certain how hands-on therapies would adapt virtually. But the parent coaching model inherent in Any Baby Can’s programs made the transition to telehealth possible.

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