Two clients join our board, adding voice and depth of perspective. These women bring valuable professional experience and personal experience to strengthen our work supporting families and children.

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What connects our work across all programs is that we develop our clients’ self-sufficiency and self- efficacy, and we’re dedicated to delivering quality services to meet that goal.

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Volunteers in face masks in front of Sheridan Ave building

The generosity of our benefit concert sponsors remind us that when we work together, we make our community stronger. These corporations and individuals are Any Baby Can’s personal heroes who have helped keep our services open and accessible.

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boy outside coloring with chalk, looking up at camera

Our Vision: Investing in Child Development Category: News Date of Publication May 7, 2020 Children are our future. Not only as parents, but as a community. We know that a child’s brain is malleable and a focus on child development has tremendous individual and societal effects. Because parental care and stress has lasting impact on…

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Our Vision: Prioritizing Healthy Families Category: News January 10, 2020 Everyone has a different definition of what it means to “be healthy.” That could mean exercising or eating healthy foods; it could mean taking vitamins or going to annual well checks. In broad terms, being “healthy” means making choices that improve your overall health. Choosing…

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