Healthy and Fair Start

Any Baby Can helps parents cope with stress, connect with others, improve the family’s health, and so much more.

The Support Network Every Parent Needs

The first few years of a child's life are so important years! The foundation for a kid's life come from the way their parents help them learn how to walk, talk and play.

Any Baby Can empowers parents in their child's growth and progress, and encourages them to bond in meaningful ways.

The Support Network Every Parent Needs

The first few years of a child's life are so important years! The foundation for a kid's life come from the way their parents help them learn how to walk, talk and play.

Any Baby Can empowers parents in their child's growth and progress, and encourages them to bond in meaningful ways.

The Support Network Every Parent Needs

The first few years of a child's life are so important years! The foundation for a kid's life come from the way their parents help them learn how to walk, talk and play.

Any Baby Can empowers parents in their child's growth and progress, and encourages them to bond in meaningful ways.


Many milestones happen during a child’s first five years of life: first tooth, first steps, first words, first day of school. Every age brings about new opportunities and new challenges.

Any Baby Can's Healthy and Fair Start (HFS) program partners with parents to set a solid foundation that shapes their child's future. We recognize that a parent is a child’s first and most important teacher. Our Certified Parent Educators facilitate activities between the parent and child, and help parents form strong bonds with their children. This video explains what a Certified Parent Educator is.

HFS uses a nationally-recognized model called Parents as Teachers, which focuses on creating stable and safe family environments, addressing developmental delays, increasing school readiness, and encouraging parental involvement in their school and community.

Any Baby Can also works with People’s Community Clinic on a program called Tandem that offers the same curriculum specifically for teen parents served by the Clinic.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Travis County or Williamson County resident
  • Child is prenatal to school age (under age 5)


  • In-home and phone visits by a Certified Parent Educator
  • Parent-child activities focused on age-specific milestones
  • Prepare kids for school and promote bonding and attachment
  • Child screenings for early detection of development delays and health issues
  • Case management to coordinate additional services
  • Monthly group events that build community and introduce parents to local friends and resources


  • Address parenting topics or challenges
  • Build a better relationship with your kids
  • Learn fun, age-appropriate activities and routines
  • Gain self-confidence and control of your household
  • Get your child ready for school
  • Access community resources for families and children, including insurance, childcare and job training
  • English- and Spanish-speaking Parent Educators
  • Services are entirely free
Houses ABC


Our Parent Educators visit families in their homes once or twice each month. Visits have three core components designed to empower the parents in their child’s development.

These activities promote child development, strengthen the parent-child relationship, and clarify developmental expectations. Through each activity, the parent learns something new about their child's cues and temperament, and reasons for their child's behavior. We help parents see the world through the child's eyes, which builds a nurturing relationship.

This is an opportunity for the parents to share their daily successes and challenges on practical parenting issues such as nutrition, safety, routines, sleep and discipline. The Parent Educator is there to listen, validate the parent's need and concerns, and provide tools and information to help parents make good, safe choices.

Sometimes the issues parents face aren’t quite as tangible as helping our kids eat and sleep. Parents have an opportunity to talk with their Parent Educator about how to cope with stress, connect with others, improve the health of the entire family, budget for the future, and so much more. We work alongside parents to meet their goals, whether they are the child’s goals, family goals, or parents’ career and education goals.


“I think that living in the neighborhoods that we live in, you don’t hear a lot of these things… the fact that this door was opened for us is super great."



Many of our services have activities for parents and children to do together. Our staff facilitate these interactions to promote learning and development, as well as the health and safety of the child.

  • 0%
    of clients would recommend our services to another family!

We're here for you.

Our team can connect you with a Parent Educator to help improve your parent-child relationship.

I’ve been able to get the support I need; from expressing my joy in my youngest reaching her milestones to expressing my grief in my need for emotional support. My parent educator teaches me age-appropriate activities and how these activities benefit my child, normalizes my responses to parenting stressors, and provides me with professional resources as needed. I hope Any Baby Can sticks around for many generations to come!

Healthy and Fair Start client

"No creo que hubiera podido hacerlo sin la ayuda de Any Baby Can, desde mi embarazo hasta ahora he aprendido bastante acerca de mi nino y de mi misma a poder enfrentar problemas diarios."

Cliente de Healthy and Fair Start

“We weren’t meant to do this parenting thing alone. My parent educator provides insight and someone to bounce ideas off of. She gives me reassurance and validation. She helps me stay on track.”

Healthy and Fair Start client

“Saber más para ayudarme a como ser mejor mamá  y ayudar a mi hijo en las necesidades que carece y yo le pueda mejorar.”

Cliente de Healthy and Fair Start

“Our educator has been great at giving me new ideas and answering any questions I have. My son loves it when she comes to visit and it’s nice having someone supportive and educated to talk to.”

Healthy and Fair Start client

“En el transcurso de las visitas que he tenido hasta el momento, todo esta excelente tanto las actividades que se realizan con mi hija asi como toda la informacion que me dan.”

Cliente de Healthy and Fair Start

"I’m so thankful for the Healthy and Fair Start Program at Any Baby Can and for having the help of our Parent Educator. Being in the program has helped me and my son find ways to learn new things, communicate better and find resources when we needed it the most!"

Healthy and Fair Start client


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