Benefits of a Parent Educator

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Category: Client Story

June 27, 2023

Parent Educators Bring Confidence & Community

Sometimes tragedies open doors to a new and brighter future. When Raquel was pregnant, she knew what kind of parent she wanted to be: patient, involved, stable, secure, confident. Due to her personal history, she didn’t quite know how to get there.

After having her first daughter, she and her husband settled into a new life. But when in the span of one year, her stepson, niece and nephew all passed away, she felt a lot of anxiety around raising her own daughter.

“Something just hit me—I wanted to do better. Something in me told me I had to do better as a parent, as a mom. We’re just becoming new parents; it opened our eyes. All I could think about was terrible things that could happen to my child,” says Raquel.

Above all, Raquel understands the influence a parent has on a child’s success, and she says it best: As a parent, you’re guiding how they see the world and how they see themselves.

That's a big responsibility and everyone can use a little help!

Support in Parenting

In light of this, Raquel joined Any Baby Can’s Parents as Teachers (PAT) program, which partners parents with a certified Parent Educator. The Parent Educator meets with families in their homes to offer parental support and parent-child activities focused on goals and milestones. Moreover, parents use this time together to talk about and address parenting challenges, and build a better relationship with their kids.

In addition, Parent Educators do screenings for early detection of developmental delays and health issues, and coordinate additional services. PAT also hosts group events that build community and connect parents to local friends and resources. At the same time, they’re preparing kids for school and promoting bonding and attachment.

The Effort Pays Off

What's more, Raquel’s Parent Educator provided a sense of stability and guidance during a difficult time. She was with her through the years that followed as Raquel had her second and third daughters, and through all of the challenges of raising small children. Unquestionably, Raquel knows that the way she parents today is thanks to the hard work she has put in and to the support of Any Baby Can.

“It was meant for me to find her. I just knew that she was going to stick around and support us. She made me realize it’s possible; that we’re not alone in this,” reflects Raquel.

Reflections Six Years Later

In November 2022, Raquel wrote us a letter summarizing her experience with Parents as Teachers and her Parent Educator, Cora.

Dear Any Baby Can,

In 2016, my husband and I got married and pregnant with our first child. Surely, it was exciting for me but also worrisome. Honestly, I was terrified of what kind of mother/parent I would be just because of my experience. I was in and out of therapy growing up and when I found Any Baby Can offered therapy services for new moms, I just knew this would be great for me as a first-time mom. I am thankful for the services y’all provided. The first time I met Cora, I just knew that her and I was going to get along very well. Certainly, everything I know today as a parent I learned from her and the tools that she provided. She has helped me in so many ways that I was very confident to be a positive parent to my eldest and our future children.

Now, I am a mom of 3 girls and my husband is an amazing father to our girls. That is because of everything I learned from your organization, the understanding, the patience, and most important the loving. Also, I’m very grateful that Cora was there for the hard times too. I remember Covid arrived and our family started struggling financially. So, my husband's hours were reduced so there were times we couldn't afford to buy diapers, pay our electricity bill which then led to falling behind on rent. We prayed and were led to y’all to help us through this tough time. Just know that I am thankful for being part of this organization.

When our eldest graduated from Any Baby Can, I was asked to be part of the program again with our second and I politely declined just because we were doing just fine. In time, we continued to grow and be the parents we wanted to be.

Then, we got pregnant again. And I started noticing the development of our second child is very different from our eldest. I decided to go back to Any Baby Can and work on keeping up with her development.

Then, we had our third child in 2022 and it became even more beneficial to go back to the Mom's Support Group where we are able to remind ourselves that we are great moms that are just doing their best. And also, reminding us that we want our children to succeed as well. So, thank you again, Any Baby Can, for providing the best support for all parents and for those in need. An amazing opportunity to be in, especially with the person working with you.

Stay Blessed,

Raquel H.


Visits have three core components designed to empower the parents in their child’s development.

Our staff facilitate these interactions to promote learning and development, as well as the health and safety of the child.

Classes that foster positive parenting skills, promote healthy bonding, and teach developmental expectations.


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