We Love Your Enthusiasm and Commitment! Category: News March 11, 2020 Each year, one Any Baby Can employee is honored with the Ruth Wells Award, recognizing his or her commitment to service, passion for our work and clients, and dedication to our mission. The award is named after Ruth Wells, a Family Education Instructor who…

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First-Time Mom Finds Positivity Through Support Category: Client Story March 4, 2020 Mary was ready to start a family. She was 24 and, although her life wasn’t exactly perfect, Mary knew she wanted to become a mother. When she found out she was pregnant, a friend connected her to Any Baby Can’s Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)…

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A Struggle is Temporary Category: Client Story January 27, 2020 There are points in our lives that define us and our life’s story. Whether or not we realize it at the time, the choices we make during those defining points guide us on a path, and reveal our character and purpose. Fatima’s journey was defined…

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Our Vision: Prioritizing Healthy Families Category: News January 10, 2020 Everyone has a different definition of what it means to “be healthy.” That could mean exercising or eating healthy foods; it could mean taking vitamins or going to annual well checks. In broad terms, being “healthy” means making choices that improve your overall health. Choosing…

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Our Vision: Empowering Parents Category: News November 14, 2019 Over the last year, we engaged in a strategic planning process to clarify our commitment to the community and our role in helping clients achieve family well-being. We honed in on a vision of the community that we aspire to create: A community that empowers parents,…

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Any Baby Can’s Family Education Program uses the research-based Nurturing Parenting curriculum, which is proven to increase positive parenting behaviors such as parents’ sense of self-worth, attachment and empowerment.

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Skills and Confidence for the Future Category: News September 17, 2019 Roxana wants the best for her family. As a single mom, she works hard, has heaps of ambition, and strives to be a good role model for her three kids. She understands her children innately and loves them deeply. Her daughter Alondra is her oldest…

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New Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities Category: News September 4, 2019 This month marks the end of our 40th anniversary celebrations and the start of our new fiscal year. Over the last several months, Any Baby Can has been engaged in a strategic planning process led by Mission Capital. We gathered data, conducted a client…

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New country, new challenges, new tools Category: Client Story August 27, 2019 Eight-year-old Adam and his family immigrated to the United States from the United Arab Emirates a few years ago. They were excited to experience a new culture, language, foods and friendships. They didn’t expect one of the things they were looking forward to…

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