Katrina was connected to early intervention (ECI) to address her daughter’s low muscle tone with physical and occupational therapy. But she gained much more than pediatric therapies.

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Dad helping son with therapy activities

Ryan has a special bond with his dad, and it’s helping with his therapy. As a team, they’ve made great strides with Ryan’s development.

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Zoe as a baby and now

When Zoe was born prematurely and with damage to areas of the brain, she faced an uphill battle. With the support of early intervention, Zoe has grown and thrived. Now, 20 years later, she’s back at Any Baby Can!

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Season for Caring: Meet the Overton Family Category: Client Story December 11, 2019 Nicole and Brandon are thoughtful, resourceful, loving parents to their four children. They like to play board games together and watch their oldest son’s baseball games. And with four boys, you can feel the energy and playfulness as soon as you walk…

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Early Intervention for Kayden Category: Client Story September 26, 2019 Sometimes a serendipitous meeting can change the course of someone’s life. And this was the case for Kayden, a two-year-old boy in Llano County near Austin. Last summer, Lauretta, a physical therapist on our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) team, was providing therapy to a young…

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A Village for Simon Category: Client Story May 13, 2019 Three-year-old Simon is magic. He recites books by heart and takes daily runs through the trails near his house. He can shoot baskets in a kiddie basketball hoop… while sitting on the floor. He makes people smile without even trying. He is lively and chatty,…

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Any Baby Can Goes to Europe! Category: News May 24, 2018 Any Baby Can Chief Programs Officer, Alexandra Alfau, took a short break from overseeing our programs to share her knowledge on early childhood intervention (ECI) with the Republic of Georgia! Georgia, a small country that borders Turkey Russia and Armenia, was a part of…

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