A Rainbow Baby Brings Hope

Rainbow Baby

Category: Client Story

December 3, 2019

Any Baby Can is dedicated to improving the lives of Central Texas families. Our  home-based services support families at every step of the way. One client, Ivette, was able to change her baby’s trajectory, and her  mindset, thanks to a variety of Any Baby Can programs and community connections.

Following a devastating miscarriage, Ivette joined our Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program while pregnant with her now two-year-old daughter. NFP matches first-time pregnant mothers with a free personal nurse for two years, to bring guidance and confidence in this transitional stage in life. During each  visit, our nurses discuss health, family dynamics and child development.

“My nurse knows so much! She gave me so much information and strength during a time when I felt alone,” says Ivette.

While Ivette had a healthy pregnancy, and eventually a full-term birth, she often felt anxious and overwhelmed. Ivette had transitioned from working full time to being home with her baby and was showing signs of depression.

Her nurse referred Ivette to No Estás Solo, a counseling program offered to Any Baby Can clients who currently receive our home visitation services. She was connected to a licensed therapist who specializes in maternal mental health.

“We have a staff of seasoned clinicians that are really committed to the mission of our agency. Anyone can feel very alone in grief, depression, or anxiety, but there is support. And we come to you, which reduces barriers like transportation or stigma,” says Dyann Avila LCSW, Maternal Mental Health Lead for No Estás Solo.

With a therapist by her side, Ivette developed strategies for self-regulation, expanded her support system, processed past trauma, and worked towards personal goals of increasing her family’s financial stability.

Thanks to our comprehensive programs, Ivette has been able to utilize additional life-changing services for her family. Her baby was referred to our Early Childhood Intervention program to address mild delays. Her nurse also connected Ivette to community resources such as a post-partum doula program and the Lullaby Project where she wrote a song in honor of her “rainbow baby,” which is a term that mothers use for a baby born after a miscarriage.

“This song makes me so happy. I love to sing but didn’t know I could write! My daughter smiles when she hears the song I wrote for her.”

Despite a difficult road, Ivette is now on the other side of her rainbow. Her daughter is two years old and has a new sister! Ivette is currently enrolled in our Parents as Teachers program and working to build attachment with her children, prepare her kids for school, and connect with other moms and resources.

Now Ivette refers other mothers in the community to Any Baby Can, and shares her experiences with those she believes can also use support.

When the overwhelm is so strong and the mountain is so high, you can’t see what’s possible. But moms like Ivette show us that we can always learn, improve, and change the way we approach our lives. And when mom can, baby can too!


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