Celebrating Nurse-Family Partnership Graduation
Category: News
October 21, 2016
Any Baby Can recently celebrated the graduation of 40 first-time mothers enrolled in the Nurse-Family Partnership program. Nurse-Family Partnership is a national program through which nurses are matched with expecting mothers bearing their first child. The program begins as early as possible during a woman’s pregnancy (but must begin before the 28th week of gestation) and continues through the child’s second birthday. The goals of the program are to improve:
- The outcomes of pregnancy
- Infant health and development
- The mother’s own personal life-course development through instruction and observation during home visits.
On Wednesday October 5, 2016, Any Baby Can held its annual Nurse-Family Partnership Graduation, a formal yet fun way to celebrate the dedication and hard work that these mothers and children have achieved over the course of two and a half years since first enrolling in Any Baby Can’s Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP).
We are proud to announce that we had a total of 40 graduates from our Nurse Family Partnership this year. At Any Baby Can we celebrate the families we serve and the milestones they reach. The growth of our families from the beginning of the program until their graduation is tremendous and continues beyond the program itself. Our nurse home visitors watch as women and men grow into nurturing parents, and as babies develop from infants to toddlers.
Any Baby Can is the only Nurse-Family Partnership provider in Austin, Texas. At Any Baby Can we know parenting can be tough, but we are here to help parents raise healthy and happy children.
If you or someone you know is an expecting mother and are interested in our Nurse-Family Partnership or other parenting resources, call us today at 512.454.3743.