Tips and Tech to Meet Life Goals

Kelly and daughter "I don't know how I could have become this stable in my life without Any Baby Can." - Kelly

Category: Client Story

February 16, 2021

When Life Goals Take a Set Back

Kelly tends to get emotional when she talks about Any Baby Can. The support she’s received has had profound effects on her life goals and her future with her four-year-old daughter Kaylee.

Throughout her life Kelly has faced many struggles and fractured relationships. When Kaylee was born, Kelly vowed to become a committed, loving mother. She knew that she had to work on her parenting, discipline and financial stability. That’s when she sought help from Any Baby Can.

With her parent educator by her side, Kelly had support and reassurance during those tough times. She learned patience and new ideas on how to best relate to her daughter. The regular visits also gave her accountability, knowing that her parent educator would ask about progress.

"Kelly has been really successful at creating and establishing goals, and following through with them," says Cleo Hodges, Parent Educator with Any Baby Can.

Technology Means More Access

When the pandemic hit, Kelly’s anxiety got worse. She was trying to finish school to obtain a cosmetology license, but now her daughter was at home with her. She had no childcare, no reliable transportation, and no means to participate in virtual learning, let alone her telehealth visits. And once her school grants ended, she found herself without an income and with increased expenses.

Any Baby Can was able to help Kelly secure internet access and technology. This not only allowed her to stay better connected to her parent educator, but Kelly used the tablet to search for jobs and complete her schoolwork.

She also received financial support in the form of grocery gift cards, bus passes, and utility assistance to help bridge the gap.

"It was exactly what I needed. What we needed. They have provided me with so many tools that are going to last a lifetime." says Kelly.

Like many parents who join our programs, Kelly wanted to provide a better life for her daughter. But in the process, she was driven to work on her own well-being and life goals. With counseling through Any Baby Can’s No Estás Solo program, and with the support of her parent educator, Kelly has reconnected with family and is working on mending relationships she thought had been lost.

"Kelly has a really nurturing relationship with Kaylee. She’s a lot more confident in her abilities as a parent, and just in life in general," adds Cleo.

Kelly and Kaylee just graduated from the Parents as Teachers program and are looking forward to a brighter future.


Parents as Teachers

We engage parents in their child’s development and work together to make and achieve goals.

Counseling & Support Groups

Our therapists provide a safe space to explore and process life’s challenges.

Coronavirus Response

We’re working to give clients a sense of continuity and stability in this difficult time.


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