Community Events for Parents with Young Kids

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April 30, 2024

A strong support network gives parents a sense of connection and belonging, which is crucial for moms and dads, especially those with young kids. Families need to create community. No one should feel isolated in their parenting journey, and community events can help.

When parents come together, magical things happen! They share experiences, advice, resources and solidarity. Your body releases endorphins—a “feel-good” brain chemical —during positive social contact, which boosts happiness and reduces stress. You can read all about the benefits of socializing.

Maybe you already have a strong social network, or you’re looking for ways to get connected with others. Any Baby Can offers lots of events for families we serve, and all parents in the Austin area! Create a network of support that can help you and other parents navigate the challenges of raising children.

Community-Building Opportunities with Any Baby Can

Parent Café

Take part in guided conversations where moms and dads talk about what matters most: our families and how to make them stronger. This is not quite a class, and not quite a support group—it’s a bit of both! It’s fun, educational and you’ll come away with a renewed energy for parenting. Come have breakfast with us, meet other parents and gain a community of support. They’re on Fridays or Saturdays and free breakfast and childcare is included. Contact Mary more info.

Moms Connect Group

Have you joined us for these weekly (and free!) community events? Moms Connect helps young parents connect, get out in our community, and have fun with their little ones! Join us every Thursday from 10-11:30 for self-care, crafts, museum visits, yoga, music and more. Find info on our site or email if you have any questions.

Parenting and Childbirth Classes

Nurturing Families classes are group parenting classes where you get to dedicate time to the toughest job you have: parenting. This video explains what a parenting class is like at Any Baby Can (you can also watch the Spanish version).

We also offer virtual childbirth classes that will walk you through everything you need to know about childbirth and newborn care. These four-week classes are open to everyone and available in English and Spanish. Sign up for a childbirth class that fits with your schedule and meet other new parents with a due date near yours!

Events for families enrolled in Any Baby Can

We help families find their people! First, we work with families to identify their personal networks. Sometimes just listing the people you can go to for support is helpful! For moms and dads who have a child with a specific need or diagnosis, we connect them to groups of people who share the same experience.

We also offer family events like adventures at the park or exploring a fire truck. Building community with parents who are in our programs is a great way to find people who “get it.” In addition, several programs have respite events like Parents Nights Out to give parents an opportunity to recharge.

Community Events for Parents with Young Kids

Luckily for families in our area, there are many groups that offer opportunities to connect, get resources and build bonds with other parents. Here are a few that can help fill your calendar when you’re feeling the need for connection.

City of Austin

The ATX Family Care group on Facebook is run by Texas WIC and often shares live cooking demonstrations, workout ideas, giveaways, advice and resources for raising young kids, and so much more. If you receive WIC services, this is a great group to join with many English- and Spanish-speaking opportunities to connect.

Austin Parks and Recreation also shares free preschool play times, community open houses, workouts, and other free and fun events. You can see the events calendar on their website.

Libraries are an awesome way to get your kiddos excited about books and reading (and enjoy some air-conditioned events in the summer!). There are bilingual story times, adult crafting groups, teen events and so much more. The Austin Public Library calendar lets you see what’s going on throughout the city.

Central Health

From free movie nights to cooking classes, Zumba and yoga, Central Health has family-friendly events almost every day! You can see their events calendar for lots of bilingual community events.


From free movie nights to cooking classes, Zumba and yoga, Central Health has family-friendly events almost every day! You can see their events calendar for lots of bilingual community events.

El Buen Samaritano

El Buen always hosts free events, including a regular food pantry, free adult education classes, and vaccine clinics for kids. For the most up-to-date information, check out their Instagram or Facebook pages.

Partners in Parenting

Partners in Parenting’s mission is to help new parents form community. They offer peer support groups, just for moms and dads in Austin. You can join their WhatsApp group, or a program for LGBTQIA+ parents. They also share great info about free community events on their Facebook and Instagram.

More Event Calendars to Keep on Your Radar

There are plenty of events for young families throughout Austin! In addition to the groups listed above, check out these event calendars for other opportunities to find your village:

Free Fun in Austin has a huge calendar of (mostly) free events happening around the area, plus information on free museum days, farmers markets and more.

Dell Children’s Health Plan has an events calendar that includes childbirth classes, movie nights, baby events, support with Medicaid or CHIP coverage and much more!

Superior HealthPlan hosts free sensory-friendly movie days with brightened light levels, reduced volume, and room for movement.

Austin Expecting offers baby sign language, mom movement classes, breastfeeding support and lots more!

Mama Sana provides free pregnancy, birth and postpartum support to people of color.


Ultimately, building community enriches the lives of both parents and children and contributes to a happier, healthier, and more connected family.


Free group activities for parents and kids under 3 led by bilingual social workers and therapists.

Gain community while working on your parenting skills to create strong relationships with your kids.

Family well-being means that parents are supported in parenting!


Investments from our supporters create long-term benefits for thousands of families across Central Texas. Join us in building a community where all families and children thrive.