Support for Parents in the Early Years

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Category: Client Story

June 10, 2024

Guidance in the Early Years

As a parent, it’s easy to feel bombarded with questions, anxieties and emotions. But where do you turn for reliable information and support, especially if you're facing challenges? Those early years of raising a child have so many firsts: first tooth, first food, first steps, first words. Any Baby Can’s Parents as Teachers program (formerly called Healthy and Fair Start) is for all parents who could use extra support while raising a child age zero to five.

Finding Support in Parenthood

Ashley found Any Baby Can while she was pregnant and originally joined Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), which is a program for first-time pregnant mothers. The program provided her with a dedicated nurse who was a source of comfort and guidance throughout her pregnancy, even through the phone during the Covid-19 pandemic. Her nurse was always available for help and support, answering any questions she may have and referring her to a childbirth and parenting class.

Once Ashley and her daughter graduated from NFP, her nurse suggested they check out the Parents as Teachers program, which could support them until her child turned five.

Learning in Parenting

Connected to a Certified Parent Educator, Ashley got the chance to learn so much about parenting and child development. Our Parents as Teachers program partners with parents to set a solid foundation that shapes their child's future. This video explains what a Certified Parent Educator is.

“I just love learning how a child’s brain develops! That’s my favorite part of working with Amy [her Parent Educator]. I’m learning what drives these little brains and it explains so much,” reflects Ashley

The Certified Parent Educator helped Ashley understand her daughter's behavior and provided her with practical tips and hands-on activities to promote healthy development.

Connection and Counseling

The program also offers group events where Ashley can connect with other moms and their children. Ashley appreciated this opportunity to meet other parents, even if it pushed her outside of her comfort zone. She likes learning from other parents' experiences and has enjoyed watching her daughter interact with other kids.

“I feel happier and makes it so much easier to parent. I have had so many mountains and so many barriers try to stop me, but I never gave up. I hope to inspire my daughter because she inspires me,” says Ashley

Additionally, Any Baby Can offers counseling sessions for people in our programs, including family counseling. Ashley has found it to be beneficial in improving her mental health and overall well-being. She noted how thoughtful and observant her therapist is, and she looks forward to their sessions.

Any Baby Can empowers mothers to not only be great parents but to also reach their own personal goals. The program encouraged Ashley to complete her GED and she is now studying psychology at Austin Community College where she’ll get to learn more about the brain!

“You cannot truly understand a person’s perspective unless you’ve been there yourself. It’s the reason I want to do this. I want to break the stigma around mental health,” says Ashley.

Professional Guidance

Whether you’re a first-time mom seeking advice or a parent raising young kids, Any Baby Can provides a network of professionals and resources to help you navigate their childhood with confidence.

If you’re interested and would like to learn more, consider attending a free event to see firsthand the benefits that Any Baby Can has to offer. Learn about eligibility for Nurse-Family Partnership and the Parents as Teachers program.


Parents are a child’s first teacher! Make the most of the early years with a parent educator.

Any Baby Can is a partner for families when times get tough. Learn how we support parents and children to achieve their best possible future.

Like most skills, your parenting improves through effort, practice and learning.


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