Early Intervention for Kayden Category: Client Story September 26, 2019 Sometimes a serendipitous meeting can change the course of someone’s life. And this was the case for Kayden, a two-year-old boy in Llano County near Austin. Last summer, Lauretta, a physical therapist on our Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) team, was providing therapy to a young…

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New country, new challenges, new tools Category: Client Story August 27, 2019 Eight-year-old Adam and his family immigrated to the United States from the United Arab Emirates a few years ago. They were excited to experience a new culture, language, foods and friendships. They didn’t expect one of the things they were looking forward to…

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A Village for Simon Category: Client Story May 13, 2019 Three-year-old Simon is magic. He recites books by heart and takes daily runs through the trails near his house. He can shoot baskets in a kiddie basketball hoop… while sitting on the floor. He makes people smile without even trying. He is lively and chatty,…

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A Journey in Courage Category: Client Story February 22, 2019 Christina is originally from Chicago. After her first visit to Austin, she was committed to move to the area, but in 2012, she got pregnant. “When I found out I was pregnant, I cried. His dad and I had a rough relationship. I was not…

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For the last 13 years, Andrea has donated to Any Baby Can who she says gave her a sense of hope and confidence after her son was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition.

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