Melissa with Randy (approx 3 years old) in her kitchen

Randy graduated from Early Childhood Intervention 14 years ago, but the foundations established during those early years have set him up for success.

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A collage of a young child who has experienced hearing loss, through Any Baby Can her family is able to afford hearing aids and she has began playing a few instruments. The first picture the child appears in a hospital bed with her ears wrapped post-surgery. The middle picture is a close-up of her hearing aid. She is seen holding a guitar in the final picture.

After unexpected setbacks, Angela and Matti were connected with Any Baby Can, and found new confidence and support in their journey with childhood hearing loss.

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Kelly and daughter "I don't know how I could have become this stable in my life without Any Baby Can." - Kelly

With the support of her parent eduator and resources provided by Any Baby Can, Kelly has been able to continue telehealth services, finish her education and keep her life goals on track while raising her daughter.

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Zoe as a baby and now

When Zoe was born prematurely and with damage to areas of the brain, she faced an uphill battle. With the support of early intervention, Zoe has grown and thrived. Now, 20 years later, she’s back at Any Baby Can!

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