A Little Goes a Long Way in Supporting Children

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Category: News

February 24, 2023

It’s easy to focus on big problems. But no big problem stands alone. For every child that’s struggling to speak, mother with preeclampsia, or family with a diagnosis of pediatric cancer, there are a lot of “little problems” that surround everyday life. To support children, we need to address those!

That’s why in addition to pediatric therapies, medical case management, and certified parent educators, Any Baby Can helps in little ways that make a big difference. This includes things like caregiver support groups, family budgeting, food, holiday gifts, referrals, and even bus passes.

Hear directly from mothers, Any Baby Can staff and board members about all the big and little ways that a community of support can help a family.

Parents Share What This Support Means to Them

Staff and Board Members Reflect on Whole Family Support

A little goes a long way in allowing a family to focus on what children need to thrive!


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