You Don’t Have to Parent Alone

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Category: Client Story

November 10, 2022

Unexpected Mental Health Needs

Andromeda was excited to give birth to her baby girl. She was applying to a nursing program, had her partner by her side, and felt confident in her future.

She found out about Any Baby Can’s Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program, which seemed like a perfect fit. Andromeda was motivated to start her daughter’s life off right, and she loved the idea of having a personal nurse guiding her through the first two years.

“I was excited! I’m here thinking I’m going to have my baby, finish my coursework, and be a nurse. I’m going to do well and we’re going to be all good,” recalls Andromeda.

Athena’s birth went smoothly, just like Andromeda hoped. It wasn’t until her daughter was two months old that she felt the stress of her new life. Everything started to fall apart. Andromeda had to parent alone after her partner relapsed; she couldn’t keep up with her coursework; she was living with her mother and looking for her own place. Nothing was going as she expected, and Andromeda was worried about providing for her daughter.

What Support Can Look Like

For families who don’t have a good support network, a series of disruptions can be devastating. Luckily for Andromeda, her Any Baby Can nurse noticed that she was starting to feel hopeless, and urged her to speak with a therapist in our No Estás Solo program. That first conversation was life-changing.

“They helped me change my outlook on things, and want healthier boundaries and healthier relationships. I’m 27 and just learning all that now!” says Andromeda.

Our nurses look for early signs of post-partum depression in new moms. They build deep relationships with the moms they’re partnered with and can easily identify changes in mood and underlying issues. They often have a more complete view of family life and outside stressors. Andromeda’s nurse was also able to support the family by providing diapers, wipes, grocery gift cards, clothes and the basic things Andromeda needed as a single mom.

Any Baby Can clients and their families have access to counseling services through our No Estás Solo program. Andromeda received emotional support and learned coping skills to get through hard times.

“I’m so glad I was connected with Any Baby Can before I even needed them. It was easy to get the resources because I was already in the program,” says Andromeda.

Back on Track

When her counselor connected Andromeda to resources including the Jeremiah Program, she found housing and went back to school. She graduates this December and is preparing to become a Registered Nurse! She wants to be a midwife and support other women. And by her side is Athena, a four-year-old charmer. She’s as ambitious as her mother, and often asks to go on labor and delivery rotations at the hospital.

When Athena turned two, Andromeda graduated from Nurse-Family Partnership. Now enrolled in Parents as Teachers (PAT), Andromeda and her parent educator are preparing for the next phase of Athena’s life. And she’s able to continue counseling.

“We weren’t meant to do this parenting thing alone. My parent educator provides insight and someone to bounce ideas off of. She gives me reassurance and validation. She helps me stay on track,” says Andromeda.

In fact, Andromeda enrolled Athena in family therapy through No Estás Solo. A licensed counselor works with the two of them, helping mom and daughter deal with the hard parts of life. Athena is learning ways to process her father’s absence, advocate for herself, and build healthy relationships. Andromeda doesn’t want Athena to wait until she’s her age to gain these skills.

“Yes, I put in the time. But so did Any Baby Can. They believed in something better for me, even when I was at my lowest,” says Andromeda.

Empowering Parents Empowers Children

Parents do not need to go through hard times alone. Even if you have a co-parent, family support and reliable neighbors, getting connected to the right professionals is life changing.

Andromeda wants to give Athena the things she didn’t have growing up. And she knows that the best way to support her daughter is to get the parenting, mental health and basic needs support she needs.

“I love working with people like Andromeda. She’s learned a lot of parenting techniques that she didn’t grow up with; I’m so proud of her. Andromeda shows you how parents just keep going for their kid, no matter what life throws at you,” says Terri Esquivel, Parent Educator with our Parents as Teachers program.


Counseling Services

Licensed, bilingual counselors create safe space to explore and process life’s challenges.

Empower Parents

Support families like Andromeda’s with an investment in Any Baby Can.

Mental Health at Every Visit

We support the mental health of parents in all of our programs, at all of our visits.


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